Our work
MISSION & MINISTRY IN THE WORLDthe nearly new shoppe
Lots of bargains for you!
Thurs 10am-2pm
Sat 10am-5pm
We sell gently used clothing, accessories and shoes for men, women and children. we are always looking for new volunteers to staff the store during our open hours and for anyone to stock and price during their convenience. Men as well as women are welcome to volunteer.
This is a major source of income for our church and its’ missions. We are able to pay for some of the extras that we could not afford otherwise.
We are located in the white building to the left of the church. We have a handicapped ramp and a changing area.
Come and explore our wonderful collection while saving your money.
Crafters, gather up your yarn and knitting needles, or your needles and thread, and join us in our activities- knitting for Hats with Hugs, baby hats, baby blankets, and prayer shawls; quilt making for Project Linus; making items for Craft Fest; or working on your own individual projects. As many of you may know, the quilts and blankets that we make for the Linus Project go to area hospitals or other facilities, where they are given to children (infants to teens) who need some comfort while dealing with serious illnesses or trauma. The Hats with Hugs are brought to the Phoenix Community Cancer Center here in Enfield, where they are given to hair loss cancer patients in memory of our former pastor, Dr. Janet Ritchie.
At noon, we’ll meet for lunch at a local restaurant. Join us for lunch even if you can’t make the gathering at church. Just call the church office at (860) 745-3646 to see where to meet on that particular day.

Mission work
Enfield Food Shelf accepts donations of non-perishable food items, toiletries, baby diapers/food, and frozen turkeys (during the holiday season) for less fortunate families in the Enfield area. The church is supporting the Food Shelf with monthly food donations/collections and various additional collections (Food Boat and November Thanksgiving). Our average Month donation exceeds 100 lbs.
The Enfield Congregational, United Church of Christ supports Loaves & Fishes soup kitchen by hosting a Saturday brunch on the fourth Saturday of every other month, at the Loaves and Fishes facility. Food donations & church volunteers support this local mission. NOTE: ALWAYS CHECKOUT OUT THE OUTREACH BULLETIN BOARD FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS, SIGN-UP SHEETS, AND THANK-YOU NOTES (Received in response to your generous donations).
Our sanctuary Christmas tree gets adorned with white paper doves containing gift suggestions for families in our community in need of gifts.
Enfield Pride
Enfield Pride exists to promote community, fellowship, and support around lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer issues in the greater Enfield, CT area. This purpose is furthered through advocacy, outreach, education, communication, and event sponsorship.
PFLAG Enfield
PFLAG Enfield is a group of parents, families, friends, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. They help change attitudes and create an environment of understanding so that our LGBTQ+ family members and friends can live in a safe and inclusive world.
PFLAG Enfield chapter was started in 2022 and is here to provide ongoing support, education, and advocacy to all Enfield, CT, and area towns parents, family, friends, allies, and LGBTQ+ persons. They accomplish this through:
Support for families, allies, and people who are LGBTQ
Education for ourselves and others about the unique issues and challenges facing people who are LGBTQ
Advocacy in our communities to change attitudes and create policies and laws that achieve full equality for people who are LGBTQ
Enfield SURJ
Enfield SURJ is working towards a world where every community has what they need to not just survive, but to thrive. They believe we get there by working together and following the leadership of communities that directly experience racism and economic injustices, and they believe white people have an important role to play.